DSE (Economics) Online Question Bank - Individual license

DSE (Economics) Online Question Bank - Individual license

DSE (Biology) Online Question Bank - Individual license

DSE (Biology) Online Question Bank - Individual license

DSE (Chemistry) Online Question Bank - Individual license

Availability: In stock

This product is only available for EdCity member to purchase.
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‘Online Question Bank’ (OQB) is an online learning platform developed by Hong Kong Education City to facilitate ‘Assessment for Learning’. OQB has been partnering with Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (HKEAA) since 2009 to enrich its question base continuously, gaining over 7,000 past paper questions (the questions of DSE2024 will be uploaded in November 2024) from HKEAA, as well as close to 2,500 free items from content providers.


Service period:

From the date of successful subscription to 31 August 2025


Access right:

EdCity account (own use or distribute to another EdCity account after subscribed)


Subject Coverage :

HKDSE (2012-2024); HKCEE (1995-2011)


Question Type:

Multiple Choice


For more information, please visit OQB website.

Latest version of Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Microsoft Edge


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