Alien Cave Explorers
Have you ever explored a cave? What about a cave on Mars? What do you think you would find in a Martian cave? Engineer William Red Whittaker doesn't know what might be in Martian caves, but he would like to find out. Learn how Red plans to create a robot that can explore the unknown caves of the Red Planet. The books in the Out of This World series feature projects that have won grants from the NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts program (NIAC). The program provides funding to teams working to develop bold new advances in space technology.
Have you ever explored a cave? What about a cave on Mars? What do you think you would find in a Martian cave? Engineer William Red Whittaker doesn't know what might be in Martian caves, but he would like to find out. Learn how Red plans to create a robot that can explore the unknown caves of the Red Planet. The books in the Out of This World series feature projects that have won grants from the NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts program (NIAC). The program provides funding to teams working to develop bold new advances in space technology.