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I am Allosaurus

Little Gray's Great Migration

Little Gray's Great Migration

Kali's Story: An Orphaned Polar Bear Rescue

Follow the rescue of orphaned polar bear Kali (pronounced Cully) from the Inupiat village of Kali (Point Lay in English) to the Alaska Zoo in Anchorage to his new home at the Buffalo Zoo in New York with Luna, a female polar bear. This photographic journey beautifully captures the remarkable development of the cub, who initially drinks from a baby bottle, sucks his paw for comfort, and sleeps with a “blankie” as he rapidly grows into the largest land carnivore on earth.
可用性: 現貨

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Follow the rescue of orphaned polar bear Kali (pronounced Cully) from the Inupiat village of Kali (Point Lay in English) to the Alaska Zoo in Anchorage to his new home at the Buffalo Zoo in New York with Luna, a female polar bear. This photographic journey beautifully captures the remarkable development of the cub, who initially drinks from a baby bottle, sucks his paw for comfort, and sleeps with a “blankie” as he rapidly grows into the largest land carnivore on earth.
作者: Jennifer Keats Curtis ; John Gomes [Illustrations]
ISBN: 9781643510958
出版商: Arbordale Publishing, LLC




網頁瀏覽器:最新版之Chrome、Firefox、Safari或Microsoft Edge。

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iOS版:操作系統版本 12.4或以上。