Web-Spinning Space Spiders

Web-Spinning Space Spiders

Solar-Wind-Riding Electric Sail

Solar-Wind-Riding Electric Sail

Squishy Fishy Robot Explorers

Water is an essential ingredient to all forms of life as we know it? Is it possible that there is life in the icy ocean that covers Jupiter'smoon Europa? Learn how professor of engineering Mason Peck plans to create fishlike robots to explore this distant and unknown body of water. The books in the Out of This World series feature projects that have won grants from the NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts program (NIAC). The program provides funding to teams working to develop bold new advances in space technology.
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Water is an essential ingredient to all forms of life as we know it? Is it possible that there is life in the icy ocean that covers Jupiter'smoon Europa? Learn how professor of engineering Mason Peck plans to create fishlike robots to explore this distant and unknown body of water. The books in the Out of This World series feature projects that have won grants from the NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts program (NIAC). The program provides funding to teams working to develop bold new advances in space technology.
作者: World Book
ISBN: 9780716661566
出版商: World Book




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