PA01s Scratch 3.0 初階

PA01s Scratch 3.0 初階

PA01s Scratch 3.0: Basic Skills

PA01s Scratch 3.0: Basic Skills

PA01s Scratch 3.0: Basic Skills( Teacher's Version )

In this module, students would learn the basics of Scratch, a programming language for creating projects such as drawing, calculation, animated stories and games. Working with Scratch projects, students could enhance their creativity, logical thinking and arithmetic reasoning skills needed in computer programming.

Subscription period: 1826 days

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可用性: 現貨
In this module, students would learn the basics of Scratch, a programming language for creating projects such as drawing, calculation, animated stories and games. Working with Scratch projects, students could enhance their creativity, logical thinking and arithmetic reasoning skills needed in computer programming.

Subscription period: 1826 days
作者: Tong, Au & Kwok
ISBN: 988-8471-71-3T
出版商: Excellence Publication Company Limited




網頁瀏覽器:最新版之Chrome、Firefox、Safari或Microsoft Edge。

Android 版:操作系統版本7或以上,並已安裝Chrome 45或以上。

iOS版:操作系統版本 12.4或以上。