IT05 & IT15 Impact of the Application of Computer Communications on Society( Teacher's Version )

IT05 & IT15 Impact of the Application of Computer Communications on Society( Teacher's Version )

CS03 & CS13 Computer Systems, Computer Networks and Information Systems (Teacher's Version )

CS03 & CS13 Computer Systems, Computer Networks and Information Systems (Teacher's Version )

IT05 & IT15 Impact of the Application of Computer Communications on Society

With the advancement and the popular use of computer communications and the lnternet, we can now sit comfortably at home while accessing different sort of outside world information. In this module, students can gain an insight into the various applications of computer communications and the lnternet in our daily lives. Meanwhile, their impacts and issues will be examined. 

Subscription period: 1826 days
一般價格 HK$58.50 特價 HK$52.00
可用性: 現貨

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With the advancement and the popular use of computer communications and the lnternet, we can now sit comfortably at home while accessing different sort of outside world information. In this module, students can gain an insight into the various applications of computer communications and the lnternet in our daily lives. Meanwhile, their impacts and issues will be examined. 

Subscription period: 1826 days
作者: Tong,Kwok & Yeung
ISBN: 9789888095865
出版商: Excellence Publication Company Limited




網頁瀏覽器:最新版之Chrome、Firefox、Safari或Microsoft Edge。

Android 版:操作系統版本7或以上,並已安裝Chrome 45或以上。

iOS版:操作系統版本 12.4或以上。